Scholars' Press

11916 Termékek

Omni badge Introduction to Scientific Computing

100 Problems and Solutions in Pascal

Informatika, IT

Scholars' Press (20.01.2013) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-51116-1

59,00 €
Omni badge Mono to multinuclear

A mechanistic pathway for formation of heavy metal thiolates

Szervetlen kémia

Scholars' Press (18.01.2013) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-51040-9

79,00 €
Omni badge Little Amazon

Frontier Modernities in the Upper Napo Region of Ecuador, 1870-1930


Scholars' Press (18.01.2013) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-51105-5

88,00 €
Omni badge Vocational Training Programs for the Persons with Disabilities

Vocational Training & Employment for Persons with Disabilities in Pakistan

Képzés, foglalkozás, karrier

Scholars' Press (17.01.2013) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-51012-6

94,90 €
Omni badge Transgenic Spermatozoa Production In Chicken

Technology Optimization


Scholars' Press (16.01.2013) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-51032-4

68,00 €
Omni badge Attitudes In Eighteenth-Century English Periodicals

How the Enlightened literate saw themselves and others

Újkor 1918 -ig

Scholars' Press (15.01.2013) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-51093-5

68,00 €

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