Bulk Guided Wave Optics in Crystals
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (28.05.2009) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-0180-8
A systems approach for coral reef management with a case study in Beloi (East-Timor)
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (28.05.2009) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-0185-3
This paper applies multivariate econometric techniques to identify development pathways for poverty reduction, determinants and welfare implications.
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (27.05.2009) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-0178-5
A Mixed Methods Study of Reggio-Inspired Practice With Orphaned Children in Welfare Institutions
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (27.05.2009) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-0179-2
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (26.05.2009) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-0173-0
Interactive learning using learning objects technology
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (26.05.2009) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-0174-7
Phylogeny, Times of Divergence, Biogeography, and Evolutionary Patterns in Morphology and Behaviour
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (26.05.2009) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-0175-4
Fragments of Human Significance
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (26.05.2009) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-0170-9
Impact of unemployed men on the intra-household relation at Cambodia and Thailand border
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (26.05.2009) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-0171-6
Case studies of consultant-developed small business web sites
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (25.05.2009) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-0164-8
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