Scholars' Press

11921 Prodotti

Omni badge Enterprise Systems Engineering

Definition. Classification Scheme. Process. Product Development Validation Approach


Scholars' Press (27.01.2014) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-70140-1

58,90 €
Omni badge Carving Up Beauty

An Examination of the Socio-Cultural Origins of the Feminine Beauty Ideal in Pre-Colonial Yorubaland


Scholars' Press (22.01.2014) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-70349-8

59,90 €
Omni badge Effects Of Drug Abuse In Secondary Schools

The Case Of Ijara And Garissa Districts Of North Eastern Province, Kenya

Istruzione, professione, mestieri, carriera

Scholars' Press (22.01.2014) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-51317-2

71,90 €
Omni badge Does "civic engagement" work?

Civic engagement of older people and their 'embeddedness' in a society in the United Kingdom


Scholars' Press (22.01.2014) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-70471-6

74,90 €
Omni badge Out of the Dark and Into the Light

The Unexpected Journey of Nurse Addiction

Discipline cliniche

Scholars' Press (22.01.2014) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-70857-8

58,90 €
Omni badge Protective mountains, angry lakes and shifting fields

Traditional ecological knowledge and ecosystem diversity in the Bolivian Andes


Scholars' Press (21.01.2014) - ISBN-13: 978-3-639-70504-1

103,90 €

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