LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

213164 Termékek

Omni badge The Participatory Tree Domestication Approach

A Promising Livelihood option for Subsistence farmers in Africa (A Review of the Literature)

Mezőgazdaság, kertépítés, erdészet, halászat, élelmezés

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (21.01.2025) - ISBN-13: 978-620-8-42239-4

84,90 €
Omni badge African Proverbs as Pedagogy to moral values

Its analysis in select African plays


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (21.01.2025) - ISBN-13: 978-620-8-42048-2

43,90 €
Omni badge The Future of Performance Management: Green Finance in the Remote Era

Strategies for Implementing and Evaluating Sustainable Growth: The Case of the Banking Industry

Vezetés és menedzsment

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (21.01.2025) - ISBN-13: 978-620-8-42480-0

43,90 €
Omni badge The Procurement Journey: How it shifted from Tactical to Strategic?

The evolution of purchasing to become a strategic function within business organizations

Üzletvezetés, menedzsment

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (21.01.2025) - ISBN-13: 978-620-8-41801-4

43,90 €

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