Dictus Publishing

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Omni badge The system of rights and financial obligations of couples

in Iranian law and its compliance with the law of Switzerland


Dictus Publishing (09.01.2023) - ISBN-13: 978-613-7-35660-9

26,90 €
Omni badge Félix Houphouët-Boigny, penseur d'une indépendance conventionnelle

Les origines philosophiques et juridiques de la Francafrique

Összehasonlító és nemzetközi politika tudományok

Dictus Publishing (24.11.2022) - ISBN-13: 978-613-7-35682-1

53,90 €
Omni badge The International Community Approach Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue

Kosovo History without End


Dictus Publishing (21.11.2022) - ISBN-13: 978-613-7-35681-4

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"As young people we are future leaders of this church and of the world". Chairperson of ATM Servant Mandisa Mashiya

Általános lexikon

Dictus Publishing (16.09.2022) - ISBN-13: 978-613-7-35679-1

24,90 €
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A Report on the Orientation Workshop for the Members in the 12th Parliament of the Republic of Kenya


Dictus Publishing (27.08.2022) - ISBN-13: 978-613-7-35676-0

24,90 €
Omni badge La vérité cachée sur la pandémie du COVID 19

La pandémie due au COVID 19

Általános lexikon

Dictus Publishing (20.07.2022) - ISBN-13: 978-613-7-35675-3

24,90 €
Omni badge Tomahawk Szociálpolitika

Dictus Publishing (05.05.2022) - ISBN-13: 978-613-7-35673-9

43,90 €
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The Triumph of Trumpism

Politika és gazdaság

Dictus Publishing (11.04.2022) - ISBN-13: 978-613-7-35667-8

24,90 €

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