LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

213152 产品

Omni badge Power, theology and ecclesiology in practice

An analysis of the power struggle over sexuality in the Uniting Church in Australia


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-01-14) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-3838-5

79.00 €
Omni badge Measurement of the t-tbar production cross section in the CDF detector

using events product of p-pbar collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV provided by the Tevatron at Fermilab

物理 ,天文学

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-01-14) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-3854-5

68.00 €
Omni badge The ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector Control and Calibration Systems

System Concept Design, Implementation and Detector Operational Performance


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-01-14) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-3851-4

68.00 €
Omni badge West Point''s Impact

on the Guiding Leadership Principles of Its Graduates


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-01-14) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-3856-9

59.00 €
Omni badge Assistive Technology in the K-12 Library Media Center

Survey, Results, and Recommendations


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-01-14) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-3853-8

49.00 €
Omni badge A comparative study of the construction of memory and identity

in the curriculum in societies emerging from conflict:Rwanda and South Africa


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-01-14) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-3855-2

79.00 €
Omni badge Sport Development Processes and Practices in Australia

The Attraction, Retention/Transition, and Nurturing of Sport Participants and Athletes


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-01-14) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-3860-6

79.00 €
Omni badge Metal Complexes of Monosubstituted Squarate Ligands

Synthesis, Characterisation and Testing for Electronic and Biomedical Properties


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-01-14) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-3859-0

79.00 €
Omni badge Optimal Design of Timetables for Large Railways

a framework to maximise schedule robustness and minimise resource deployment,using a multi-objective mathematical model


LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-01-14) - ISBN-13: 978-3-8383-3849-1

68.00 €

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